

             San Gabriel Academy was established and is maintained to provide a Christian environment for the education of Christian young people. The school has a selective admissions policy for students who are willing to abide by and accept the rules and standards of the school. However, admission is granted without regard to race, ethnicity, or national origin.

We accept students on the basis of the following principles:

  • Applicants are evaluated on the basis of Christian faith and lifestyle, character, academics, qualifications, and a willingness to cooperate in maintaining discipline and Christian deportment.

  • Some students may be accepted on probation, either citizenship or academic, based on their provided application information. These probations will be explained in detail in a letter to the affected students.

  • San Gabriel Academy is not staffed to provide Special Education for students with emotional, developmental, or learning disabilities that cannot be handled in a mainstream classroom.


SGA students value the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and make good decisions regarding nutrition, physical fitness, and personal well-being.

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