Giving Back

Giving Back
Posted on 02/25/2018
FlowersImagine San Gabriel Academy with fifteen to twenty scholarships each year for financially challenged students wanting a Christian education; imagine the addition of at least one more full-time teacher to accommodate our growing enrollment; imagine a consistent yearly growth of our HOPE Endowment Fund; imagine a host of other needs being met in a variety of areas – art, athletics, music, science, technology; imagine an Alumni Patio, lights on the field, or a variety of other possibilities. Just imagine.

How do we make this happen? By giving back. Regularly. One dollar, two dollars, five dollars, even ten dollars – monthly, quarterly, or yearly. That’s all it would take. It would call on all of our SGA supporters to give back, including our board members, our faculty, our students, our alumni, our alumni parents, and anyone else who believes in the mission of San Gabriel Academy. One dollar given each month by 1,000 people who believe in SGA would yield $12,000. Ten dollars each month given by 1,000 committed supporters would result in $120,000.00 each year.

It’s the beginning of a brand new year, and we are beginning our Committed Giving Project that everyone can be a part of, regardless of the size of the gift. After sincere prayers and a thoughtful consideration, we encourage you to go to and click on “Donate.” Decide what plan is best for you – monthly, quarterly, yearly. Choose which giving target you want to support. Our dollars are multiplied in the hands of a God who makes the impossible possible. He allows us to achieve things that we thought could exist only in our imaginations.

Imagine it. Pray about it. How much are you able to give back? We have needs that you can fill, no matter what your ability may be. Together, we can watch the blessings multiply. Collectively. Committed to a desire to give back. Some of our alumni have already begun the giving back process, and we are so grateful to them. They are sharing something of themselves that isn’t required, just a simple act from the heart. We’d love for you to join them.
Click on “Donate.”